A Better Tomorrow
Counseling Services
Frequently Asked Questions...
If this is your first time dealing with a legal situation, especially a substance-related charge, there's a good chance you have some questions. We understand that dealing with the courts can be stressful and confusing,so we do everything we can to make this part of the process simple. Below are some of the questions we get asked the most:
Can I go to more than one group in a week?

As certified state treatment providers, we are required to limit participation to one time a week. We hold substance abuse classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Unlike a lot of other treatment providers, we don't charge you if you miss a week and we don't require you to go to the same day each week; we understand that a lot of clients have complicated schedules.
What is involved in the evaluation process?
When you get here, the first thing we will ask you to do is fill out some paperwork including a questionnaire about the issue that brought you in for an evaluation. This part of the assessment generally takes between 20-30 minutes. If you need to take a drug screen, we will also do this during this time. After all of your paperwork is complete, you will sit down with one of our counselors for an interview. The length of the interview really depends on the charges you are dealing with and your individual situation. We want to give you as much time as you need to get an accurate evaluation. Substance-related interviews average about 30 minutes. Anger Management interviews average about an hour.

What do I need to bring to my evaluation?
​If you are getting a DUI evaluation and have already attended DUI school, you will want to bring a copy of your certificate of completion and your NEEDS Assessment. We will need both of these to finish your evaluation so if you don't have them with you, we will need you to fax them to us when you do complete this.

For ALL evaluations, bring the contact information for the person who needs to receive your results (generally your lawyer or probation officer).

If you are getting a drug screen, please do not eat or drink anything for at least 20 minutes prior to coming to the office

How quickly can I schedule my evaluation?
​Generally we can schedule a time within 48 hours of your call to do your evaluation. Calling in the beginning of the week is helpful and so is being flexible with your time of day. If you need to do your evaluation on a weekend or during your lunch hour it might take a few days depending on how many people have already made appointments. We will do everything we can to work with your scheduling needs.
How long is my evaluation good for?

Your evaluation is only valid for a limited time. If you have gone more than 60 days without completing the evaluation process (sending over any additional paperwork requested like the NEEDS assessment), your evaluation will be considered invalid and you will need to reevaluated. If you are getting close to this time period, please contact us as soon as possible.

What if I disagree with my evaluation?

Most people come into their evaluation hoping treatment won't be recommended and we completely understand that. If treatment is recommended though, we will take the time to thoroughly explain the specific reasons why. If you still don't agree with the recommendation from your Evaluator, you are welcome to get a different evaluation at a different location.

My charge is from out-of-state, can I still do my evaluation or treatment here?

We work with individuals with out of state charges all the time. There might be some specific information we need you to obtain in order to make sure we are compliant with your states' requirements so make sure to call us ahead of your appointment to discuss your situation.

How long do I have to complete my classes? Do I have to come every week? (And other questions about attendance)

For some folks, coming to class every week isn't an option because of finances or work schedule. While it is expected that you finish treatment in a timely manner, we can work with you to develop a schedule that works for you.

What methods of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, money orders or credit cards.. Transactions made by credit card will carry a 2.75% transaction fee. There is an ATM in the Marriott hotel directly across the street from our building that is accessible to the public. Are there other services that you offer that are not on your website?
We accept cash, money orders or credit cards.. Transactions made by credit card will carry a 2.75% transaction fee. There is an ATM in the Marriott hotel directly across the street from our building that is accessible to the public.